Advertising message about Opilato bond issuance

Invest in Opilato s.r.o. bonds with an annual return of up to 10%.

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Base rate 10% p.a.

More detailed information can be found in the prospectus. Potential investors are advised to read the prospectus before making an investment decision to fully understand the potential risks and returns associated with the decision to invest in securities. Approval of the prospectus should not be construed as a confirmation of securities offered or admitted to trading on a regulated market.

20 000 Kč
Annual yieldi after tax
2 000 Kč
50 000 Kč
Annual yieldi after tax
5 000 Kč
100 000 Kč
Annual yieldi after tax
10 000 Kč
200 000 Kč
Annual yieldi after tax
20 000 Kč
500 000 Kč
Annual yieldi after tax
50 000 Kč

Why Invest in Opilato s.r.o.

Commitments of previous issuances. Crowns are always paid on time.

A growing company with employees over 10 years

+561 %

visits from 2009 to 2023

+150 %

revenue growth from 2019 to 2023

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Calculate Bond Returns

Investment Amount: 50 000 CZK
Total Return with Inflation Bonus over 4 years:
20 000 CZK
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Opilato s.r.o. Company A Czech company founded in 2009.
It creates products for creative individuals (artists, designers, creators, etc.).

Our products help you earn money and grow. The company is headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic.

The company remains profitable and reinvests its earnings for growth. To accelerate growth and development, the company attracts investments through the sale of bonds at 10% annually.

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Alexander Mazur (director, founder)

-Engineer with two higher education degrees

-Author of a book on PHP programming,, manuals on programming released in 4 editions, and many articles in the field of IT (actively researching artificial intelligence technologies and their application in business models).

-IT entrepreneur, who built 3 companies, one of which was sold.

-TMTSOFT.CZ - an outsourcing company that was sold in 2019.

-Opilato s.r.o. - a company that develops products for creative users.

-Mafit health s.r.o. - a network of clinics with its main office in Prague. They specialize in the treatment and rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system using unique methods developed and patented by the company and its founders.

What is the creative economy and market scale?

What is the creator economy?

This is a collection of independent content creators, designers, artists, creators, and so on, approximately 50 million people or more.

Programs and products that help people create and sell their content and generate income from it.

More than 50 million people worldwide consider themselves creators, even though the creator economy emerged just ten years ago.

Here is an analysis of the TAM (total addressable market), which encompasses up to 50 million creators:

Professional solo creators (~2 million +) - full-time content creation

-YouTube: Out of 31 million YouTube channels, approximately 1 million creators have more than 10,000 subscribers (source).

-Instagram: Out of 1 billion Instagram accounts, ~500,000 have more than 100,000 followers and are considered active influencers (source).

-Twitch: Out of 3 million streamers on Twitch, ~300,000 have affiliate or partner status (source).

-Others: including musicians, podcasters, writers, illustrators, and more. ~200,000 in total.

Solo Hobbyist Creators (~46.7 million) - Monetizing content creation part-time

-YouTube: Out of 31 million YouTube channels, ~12 million have 10,000 to 100 subscribers (source).

-Instagram: Out of 1 billion Instagram accounts, ~30 million have 50,000 to 100,000 followers (source).

-Twitch: ~2.7 million out of 3 million Twitch streamers are not partners or affiliates.

-Others: вincluding musicians, podcasters, writers, illustrators, possibly a total of ~2 million.

Стратегия роста

CEO-led growth optimization, development and creation of multiple websites and content to acquire free users (buyers) and sellers from search engines.
All revenues are reinvested for the company's faster growth.
Purchase/share - links, articles, news posts, and reputation enhancement to strengthen Opilato's brand on the global stage and increase user loyalty and trust.
Growing the customer base through advertising on third-party portals, media sources, and other systems to further increase revenue.
Increasing the seller base through advertising, strengthening marketing strategies, and increasing the number of published products by training sellers to quickly become proficient in the company's products and start earning income from sold goods.

General Overview of Opilato s.r.o. Company

Total User Base 24 600

Database of All Sellers 650

Database of All Products 19 000 products

Monthly Visitors per Google Analytics 30 000, including 10 000 unique visitors

Main Company Headquarters is located in Prague

We have more than 25 employees worldwide.

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For Active Growth, we have issued long-term documents and offer them to our investors for 4 years at 10% annually.
Submit an Investment Request.
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Number of sellers is also seen at our competitors offers exclusive deals on high-quality premium design resources and free design resources. We offer savings of up to 96% off RRP on design elements from thousands of independent designers. 2 366 001 Products 4 607 273 Customers 9 379 Stores

2,366,001 Products

4,607,273 Customers

9,379 Stores

Активные покупатели на рынке
Etsy Marketplace Active Buyers Etsy, Inc. operates a two-sided online marketplace, collectively connecting over 95 million passionate and creative buyers and 7.5 million sellers worldwide. These marketplaces - collectively creating the "House of Brands" - share our mission, common levers for growth, similar business models, and a strong commitment to using commerce and technology to empower communities and strengthen people's positions.

95 million passionate

7,5 million sellers

Based in Amsterdam, Creative Fabrica, a social platform for crafters and designers, has raised $61 million in growth capital to provide more resources to its community of 4 million creators.

$61 million

4 million creators
As you can see from the competition, the market for creators is very large and continues to grow.


Are there any fees associated with buying bonds?

No. Since we do not use intermediaries for bond sales, there are no additional fees for you to worry about.

Do I need to use an asset account to purchase bonds?

You don't have to. Some bond issuances require using an asset account, but within our issuance, you can use any account you typically use for receiving proceeds.

How do you guarantee I won't lose my investment?

Every investment carries a certain level of risk. With bonds, you reduce the risk level by not investing in something unknown. Our bonds can be linked to an already established company with revenues and products. The database of sellers and buyers is growing.

The company's owners are experienced entrepreneurs with a rich history. One of them founded an outsourcing company and sold it. Opilato s.r.o. is another company created and invented to help creative individuals, designers, artists, etc., earn money by selling their products in online stores created by the Opilato company.

The company has been growing and developing for over 10 years, not only in the Czech market but around the world. The company's main office is located in Prague, and you can always meet with the company's owner and have a chat.

These are all factors that reduce the risk level. Generally, the company is liable for its commitments with all its assets.

Is it necessary to pay taxes on the returns?
Yes, returns are subject to withholding tax. We will take care of the tax for you and send the already taxed returns to your account, with a 15% deduction.

Yield: 10% per annum with an inflation bonus

Minimum investment: 10 000 CZK

Face value of the bond: 5 000 CZK

Quarterly income payout to your account

Issue volume: 25 000 000 CZK

Issue period: 1.11.2023 - 1.11.2026

Maturity: 3 years

Form: Registered security in the series

Documents for download
Czech National Bank Decision.pdf
Interested in investing? Have questions?

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Alex Mazur

founder and director of the company

+420 733 419 478

[email protected]